Any parent, legal guardian, or other adult standing in place of a parent can become a Member. The Principal and any Teacher or Paraprofessional employed at Emerson-Williams Elementary School may become a Member.
Why Should I Register As A Member?
Registering as a Member, using the online form below (scroll all the way down), allows you to make a motion and vote during our PTO meetings, and be eligible to hold a position on the PTO Board.
Are There Membership Dues?
Absolutely not! Membership is always free, but we will never turn down a voluntary monetary donation. Tax-deductible donations in any amount can be sent to EWPTO via the backpack with cash or check, payable to EWPTO. in an envelope marked “EWPTO Membership Donation – Attn: EWPTO Treasurer.” Please provide your email address if you wish to receive a receipt. Or, you can mail your donation to:
However, if there is a raffle going on this school year, please forward donations as per the Membership flyer. Flyers can be found in Digital Backpack. Thank you.